Intro to Sports Rafting


The excitement of the rapids is well complemented by the peaceful, pristine, natural gorges that engulf us as we venture further downstream. Wilderness campsites far from civilisation provide the backdrop for impressive stargazing opportunities as we commune around the campfire by night.

Being in canoes creates a platform for a much more intimate understanding of self and of the water. It is not like the gun-ho, guided experience of a rafting adventure. Instead boats are paddled in pairs, facilitating an opportunity for participants to develop trust, communication and understanding between good mates, as well as experiencing first hand the outcome of their paddling decisions. The Clarence river has a safe, drop-pool style, so capsizes and mistakes are harmless fun, with ample room to collect our wits and process our experiences in the calm pools below.

We use the river as a powerful metaphor. As we negotiate the rapids in our canoes, we will also be exploring and negotiating our inner lives. Through group work, games, exercises and personal reflection we will build resilience and connection giving you both a treasured experience that you will draw from for years to come!


An introduction to the world of sports rafting – with a weekend paddling adventure exploring the upper Nymboida. Sports rafts are two people inflateable craft that are a bit more forgiving than canoes in higher volume flows. We will teach you all the basics to be able to manoeuvre your sports raft downstream, how to hop out safely if it flips upside down. A great way to learn a new skill in a wilderness setting and meet some lovely people along the way

Join us on:

3rd-5th Nov 2023

2 days, 1 nights

Clarence. Clarence Gorge or Nymboida River, Northern NSW – wherever the water is flowing

What’s Included:

Qualified & experienced Whitewater Guides to keep you safe on the water

Wilderness Camping under more than 5 stars, with nights spent sharing stories by the fire.


Canoes, Paddles, Barrels, Lifejackets, Helmets and all other rescue gear

Wilderness First Aid kit and Satellite Phone

Campsites, National Park Permits


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