Intro to Whitewater Canoeing Beginner Skills Course


Designed for those paddlers that seek to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to safely and competently undertake a grade 1-2 whitewater journey without Guide or  instructor supervision. A great introduction to whitewater canoeing – beginners very welcome. A great stepping stone into exploring the longest Whitewater canoe trail in Australia – the Clarence Canoe & Kayak trail.

6-8th Sept 2024
*Location will be confirmed prior to the event after we have assessed river conditions and recent rainfall. It will be hosted on the trail, either the Nymboida or Boorimbah/Birrinba/Clarence rivers in Northern NSW.

If you would like the official skills certificate, please register on the course through Paddle Australia.


Can you Canoe? Well here’s how to learn and refine the art of navigating whitewater rapids in them. We will teach you all the basics to be able to manoeuvre your canoe downstream, how to hop out safely if it flips upside down. A great way to learn a new skill in a wilderness setting and meet some lovely people along the way

This course will run you through the skills and knowledge to personally paddle a Canoe on Grade 2 Whitewater. This is a great course to get the basic skills so you can dip your toes into the sport, and open up opportunities for future river exploration in the region – particularly on the longest Whitewater Canoe Trail in Australia – that includes the Nymboida & Boorimbah/Birrinba/ Clarence rivers

Designed for those paddlers that seek to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to safely and competently undertake a journey (post-course) without Guide or  instructor supervision. Or have the basic skills to join others and feel comfortable they could look after themselves.

Course Duration: Training Course: 2 days  Assessment: 1 day

Training Course: 6-7th Sept 2024

Assessment: 8th Sept 2024

Equipment: Included in the course is hire of a Canoe including a paddle, lifejacket, helmet and barrel. You can bring your own gear if you would prefer.

Pre requisites: A sense of adventure, ability to walk on uneven surfaces and sit for 4-6hours each day in a canoe. Some upper body and core strength.

Please note: As we operate on wild free-flowing rivers sensitive to localised rain the course location will be confirmed within a fortnight of the course commencing, once we have accessed conditions to ensure your safety.

Byo food, paddling and camping gear – depending on what the rivers are doing and where we host the course, accommodation may be available nearby at the Clarence river wilderness lodge, the Nymboida Camping & Canoeing Centre or the Gorge station.


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