Slow Flow


The excitement of the rapids is well complemented by the peaceful, pristine, natural gorges that engulf us as we venture further downstream. Wilderness campsites far from civilisation provide the backdrop for impressive stargazing opportunities as we commune around the campfire by night.

Being in canoes creates a platform for a much more intimate understanding of self and of the water. It is not like the gung-ho, guided experience of a rafting adventure. Instead boats are paddled in pairs, facilitating an opportunity for participants to develop trust, communication and understanding with their canoeing partners, as well as experiencing first hand the outcome of their paddling decisions. The Nymboida river has a safe, drop-pool style, so capsizes and mistakes are harmless fun, with ample room to collect our wits and process our experiences in the calm pools below.

We use the river as a powerful metaphor. As we negotiate the rapids in our canoes, we will also be exploring and negotiating our inner lives and the zen teachings applicable in all realms. Through daily zen flow sessions, stories, gratitude, teachings and personal reflection, along with the connections from living in a simple nomadic community, giving you a treasured experience that you will draw from for years to come!


A 4 day paddling journey designed for those who need a little help in slowing down. Is the high pace of modern life and have the expectations our dominant culture places on productivity, got you running from one task to the next but you are still heading to bed feeling like your to-do list got longer rather than shorter? Is your nervous system constantly on high alert, switching from flight to fight and never getting a chance to rest and rejuvenate?

These four days are a chance to give your system a chance to live differently, to drop into flow with the natural rhythms of the sun and your soul. To slow down, let the dust settle and immerse in an old way of living simply, making communal meals from scratch and travelling downstream at a leisurely pace.

Join us on:

16th-19th May 2023

4 days, 3 nights of adventure

A section of the longest whitewater canoe trail, Nymboida River, Northern NSW

What’s Included:

Qualified & experienced Whitewater Instructors & Guides to keep you safe on the water.

Morning Wellness Sessions to calm your inner farm

Delicious Nutritious Food for your entire stay – Featuring: Local, Organic, Sustainable produce.

Wilderness Camping under more than 5 stars, with nights spent sharing stories by the fire.


Canoes, Paddles, Barrels, Lifejackets, Helmets and all other rescue gear

Wilderness First Aid kit and Satellite Phone

Campsites, National Park Permits

Tent and Sleeping Mattress can be hired by adding them to your cart.



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